Our impact

In 2023 we made a short video to capture some of our clients’ stories about the difference which Refugee Resource has made to their lives. It gives a great overview of what we do and why it works.

When I came to Refugee Resource I was quite unwell. I was going through depression because at this time my asylum was rejected. I really healed and how I’m a qualified nurse in the NHS. Refugee Resource is the reason I can sit here and say thank you. I was able to put myself together and be who I am today.
— Laila

Alma’s Story (Name Anonymised)

Alma came to Refugee Resource for counselling in 2021. This is her story.

If it wasn’t for [Refugee Resource], I could have ended up in the street or killed...[my counsellor] worked with me little by little, bit by bit to facilitate my mental wellbeing, my self-confidence...She helped me in everything and to appreciate life. I am safe and alive.
— Alma

Lubna’s story

Lubna started coming to Refugee Resource’s Women’s Group in 2024. This is her story.

Now I have relationships with other women, I have some friends and I know how to get from my home to the group so I travel by myself every Monday.
— Lubna

Oxford Phoenix: the story so far

We were delighted to be featured on BBC news in June 2024 talking about our football project, Oxford Phoenix. Oxford Phoenix offers young men who are refugees and asylum seekers the chance to play football, make friends and access support. We run Oxford Phoenix with Asylum Welcome and Oxford United in the Community, who sent some star players to mark refugee week 2024.

This team it means a lot to me, because since I came I was going through depression. I cannot sleep. I don’t have friends. Since I came to this team less thinking because you know football makes me happy.
— Usman

Listen to the story or read more here.

If you would like to support Oxford Phoenix, please make a donation.

Rasheed’s story

Rasheed* was a client at Refugee Resource and used our social inclusion support to move forward with his life in the UK. This is his story

Refugees don’t want to claim benefits, they want to work and make progress. Refugee Resource does an excellent job of helping and makes a big difference to people’s lives.

New partnership with Iyengar Yoga

Refugee Resource are delighted to be one of the local charities supported by Iyengar Yoga in 2024. As well as a generous financial support, Iyengar Yoga are offering our clients the chance to access free yoga classes for one year.

Najada’s Story

Najada was born in Albania. In 1991 when the communist regime there fell from power, she and her family migrated to Italy. This experience shaped Najada’s life and her work. Since moving to the UK she has been a volunteer mentor with Refugee Resource and now works for us an interpreter in counselling sessions.

“It’s been an enriching experience for me”